Who You Know and Who Knows You

Several things happened recently that prompted me to reflect on the role our relationships play in our professional lives.  At times, it can seem like our entire professional career is a product of the people we know.  How did I get my first job out of college?  A...

Are You Insane?

In all likelihood you have heard the saying, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.”   If this were the true definition of insanity then most of us would fit the bill.  Thankfully this is not the case.  Nonetheless, it...

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Wouldn’t it be great if when a person was lying, his pants really did spontaneously combust?  Or better yet, what if when someone was telling a lie his nose grew like Pinocchio’s?  That sure would make telling fact from fiction much easier.  While such obvious tells...