Startup companies have so much potential—and so many vulnerabilities. And that often starts with leadership.
Investing in the future of a new business requires investing in those who lead it. Founder Focus Coaching helps startup teams grow the unique skills required to build strong, dynamic companies.
Why focus on founders?
Founders are driven by new visions and transformative technologies. But managing people? That’s another story. Most founding leaders aren’t trained in the finer arts of setting expectations, pushing people forward, and having difficult conversations.
If the skills aren’t there…
The resulting miscues can be unintentional but deeply disruptive: micromanagement, autocratic decision making, wasted effort, and frustration.
To succeed, a startup needs more than a bold new concept. It needs a viable business grown around it. One that recognizes contributors at every level, smoothly course-corrects, clearly communicates, and creates an environment that not just attracts top talent but retains it.
Building a team takes real work.
There is nothing “soft” about effective leadership. Through our unique blend of assessments, 1:1 coaching and skill workshops, Founder Focus helps leaders develop the very real skills they need to:
Clarify expectations. Clearly articulating expectations is surprisingly difficult but crucial to performance management.
Improve communication. Not every conversation is easy. In fact, few are. This is why leaders must learn how to listen, respond, and share with more sensitivity.
Retain talent. Lower the risk of losing top contributors by strengthening those crucial relationships.
Diffuse difficult situations. Reduce tension and handle challenges head-on, so team members stay focused and on task.
Identify problem areas sooner. That’s one benefit of honest, productive conversations and relationships— there are far fewer surprises.