Rookies Go It Alone… Pros Have Coaches This morning Seth Godin wrote, “At the top tier of just about any sort of endeavor, you’ll find that the performers have coaches.” He goes on to consider why with top-tier professionals this almost universal truth is...
With regards to interior design you have a preference – you like contemporary to traditional or perhaps country over Asian. Concerning fashion you have tastes there too. You gravitate towards sporty, tailored, classic or maybe haute couture. Even with cuisine, your...
If you surveyed people asking them to rate on a scale from one to ten “how important is it for you to improve in your career”, you would get a lot of tens. It is hard to imagine anyone responding with, “Nah, I do not need to get any better at what I do. Maintaining...
By now most everyone has read or at least heard about Anne-Marie Slaughter’s article, Why Women Still Can’t Have It All . In fact, while it is only a week old, several people have responded to the original piece with articles of their own. This is not another one of...
When it comes to refined white sugar, the more you eat, the more you want. When you cut yourself off, your body craves more. Then assuming you stick it out, forty-eight hours later, viola, no more sugar addiction. Your sweet tooth is gone. Although it is not to...
It is no secret that I am a true believer when it comes to “Thinking Styles.” As I have said many times before, learning about Thinking Styles gave me a peek behind the curtain. By understanding and applying a thinking styles assessment tool called the Neethling...