When in Rome, do as the Romans do

Outstanding performers have at least one thing in common.  They are all Zen masters with regard to certain behaviors.  This is great news for those of us interested in getting better at what we do.  It means that we don’t need to reinvent the wheel.  We already have...

You versus Change – Who Wins?

Generally, people want to be perceived as being open, flexible, adaptable and current. It is not difficult to understand why. Simply, these qualities are seen as strengths and possessing them is thought of as a good thing. No one wants to be described as closed,...

The Choice Is Yours – Choose Well

In his response to my fan email, Marshall Goldsmith signed off with “Life is good.”  Some people might think that this is a cliché; there are bumper stickers that say as much after all.  But, in this case, it was proclaimed by Marshall Goldsmith, a superhero in the...