by Alexa | Jun 29, 2012 | Behavioral Change, Mindset
It is hard to get things just right. The AC runs too hot or too cold. The volume on the TV is too loud or hard to hear. Time flies or is frozen. It is much the same when it comes to our professional life. The pendulum swings between “running around like a chicken... by Alexa | Jun 22, 2012 | Behavioral Change, Mindset
Generally, people want to be perceived as being open, flexible, adaptable and current. It is not difficult to understand why. Simply, these qualities are seen as strengths and possessing them is thought of as a good thing. No one wants to be described as closed,... by Alexa | Jun 6, 2012 | Behavioral Change, Mindset, Performance
When it comes to refined white sugar, the more you eat, the more you want. When you cut yourself off, your body craves more. Then assuming you stick it out, forty-eight hours later, viola, no more sugar addiction. Your sweet tooth is gone. Although it is not to... by Alexa | May 24, 2012 | Behavioral Change
Over the course of this month I have been attending different webinars hosted by the World Business and Executive Coach Summit as part of its Pre-Summit Series. I have enjoyed all of the webinars in which I have participated and have found something valuable in each... by Alexa | May 17, 2012 | Behavioral Change, Mindset, Performance, Strategy
It is no secret that I am a true believer when it comes to “Thinking Styles.” As I have said many times before, learning about Thinking Styles gave me a peek behind the curtain. By understanding and applying a thinking styles assessment tool called the Neethling... by Alexa | Apr 24, 2012 | Behavioral Change, Mindset, Strategy
This is important. Take a minute or two to really consider it. Do you have the sneaking suspicion that there is something wrong with your life, but that you can’t put your finger on it? Not ringing any bells? Here is an illustration. It is the emotional...