Finding Wisdom in The Wild

There is an idea in Buddhism that says essentially, “the universe gives you everything you need.” So, if there is a lesson you need to learn – no problem, the universe has you covered and will present a situation for you to learn it.  If there is something you need to...

Plan A Didn’t Work Out, Get Over It

Successful people are adaptable. Research shows that in terms of the competencies one needs to be successful, adaptability is up there with self-confidence, emotional self-control, and inspirational leadership. Yet, so many of us dedicate significant amounts of time...

The Most Successful People Have Courage

My daughter is brave.  Not because she talks a big game, but because she takes courageous action.  Last night she auditioned for a musical.  She took the stage, sang for strangers, and attempted a dance she didn’t know (poor thing doesnt even take dance...

Two Distinctions Worth Making

One.  Saying, “I am sorry” is not the same thing as saying “I am wrong” or “I am at fault” or “I am to blame.”  I am sorry that this thing happened or that my email made you feel this way is different than saying I did...

Walking the Talk

As they say on Game of Thrones, “Words are wind.”  People say all sorts of things, but then do something different.  People say all the right things and then do exactly what they say they don’t want to do.  People who want to change their behavior...