In Business Having the Whip Hand is Easy

Everyone talks about how competitive the marketplace is now.  It is not enough to be technically good at what you do, to stay ahead you need something more.  It is not enough to network, you must be on social media as well.  It is not enough to provide good customer...

Joie de vivre or Don’t Bother

I was coaching a client this week and he got emotional when talking about why he does the work that he does.  He had forgotten why his work mattered to him.  He had been phoning it in for a long time and getting back in touch with his reason for being moved him. Just...

How To Get People To Do What You Want

Conventional wisdom dictates that leadership consists of commanding (attracting the respect and attention of) those people from whom you seek compliance. Conventional wisdom would have us believe that leadership means telling (ordering, directing) the minions what to...