by Alexa | Apr 4, 2014 | Behavioral Change, Mindset
Humans have the ability to draw conclusions and make associations at lighting fast speeds. And, a smart professional like you likely excels at shortcutting the thinking process. At this stage of your life, you have a treasure trove of information stashed away. You... by Alexa | Feb 25, 2014 | Mindset
As it turns out we are neither the most discerning judge of our own character nor the most reliable arbiter of the facts. The truth is that we do not see ourselves accurately and are much more likely to point out the flaws of others and assign blame. This tendency... by Alexa | Jan 31, 2013 | Mindset, Strategy
The last time you were looking for a solution to a problem you probably overlooked the obvious fix. People do it all of the time. They ignore the evident answer and go for the one that lies further afield instead. That said, there are exceptions to this rule. One... by Alexa | Dec 10, 2012 | Behavioral Change, Mindset
Maybe the reason you’re not getting what you want from your career is because you aren’t able to see the type of person you really are. Fundamentally, there are two types of people. There are the “stick with what I know” folks and the “try anything once” bunch. ... by Alexa | Nov 9, 2012 | Behavioral Change, Mindset, Strategy
It is often difficult- and sometimes downright impossible- to tell the good apples from the bad. Upon biting into a shinny, red, seemingly perfect apple you discover it actually is mealy, worm infested or rotten to the core. Alternatively, one that is bruised can... by Alexa | Oct 25, 2012 | Behavioral Change, Mindset
If we all know the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” why do we do it anyway? In all fairness, we are not completely to blame. Part of the reason why we judge, make erroneous conclusions and categorize, has to do with many years of evolutionary brain...